Osman Ali, MD, MSc (Class of 2016) is a Gastroenterology fellow at the University of Maryland School of Medicine/University of Maryland Medical Center. He was recently invited to participate in the 5th Annual Rwandan Endoscopy Week. This is a collaboration between Harvard Medical School, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine (Dartmouth), and University of Rwanda; consisting of a group of physicians, nurses, medical students, and surgical technicians from the U.S., Canada, Netherlands, and Australia. The program goal is to train Rwandan physicians and nurses in endoscopy and to improve the gastrointestinal health of the people of Rwanda (a country without formally trained gastroenterologists). A total of 871 endoscopic procedures were performed during the Rwandan Endoscopy Week! Osman hopes to expand this initiative and plans to invite AUA students and Alumni!